What's that? A second book?
That's right! In September this year I signed a contract with Allen and Unwin for the publication of my second picture book, which is due to be relased in mid-2019. I'm very excited to be working with the amazing Anna McFarlane, one of the most respected and experienced publishers in the industry. She's already been bringing out the best in my writing and I'm excited to see what happens in the future.
How did I get here? Well, like most things in the publishing industry, it was a slow process. I submitted my manuscript to Anna in October 2016 and was delighted not long after to receive an email telling me how much she loved it and would I mind terribly changing the beginning, the end...oh and that bit in the middle as well? (I'm sure Anna would tell you this is not *quite* true, but it certainly felt true at the time.)
Did I mind? Not at all! Although I would perhaps have ploughed into my work with a fraction less enthusiasm had I known that in fact several revisions would follow before Allen and Unwin gave me the longed-for 'yes!' I'm so excited at how far my manuscript has come and even more thrilled to see what magic the illustrator might work. 2019, here we come!